
Master Promissory Note and Entrance Counseling

For those of you who plan to help finance your PCA&D tuition with the help of a Direct Loan, you will need to complete a Direct Federal Loan Master Promissory Note (MPN) and Entrance Counseling.

You will probably notice that a Direct Loan has been included in your financial aid package on your financial aid award letter. The award letter shows you the amount you are eligible to borrow. You will need to complete the MPN and Entrance Counseling in order to actually borrow this money. Keep in mind that this is a Federal Direct Loan in the student name that will be paid back with interest. Visit www.studentaid.gov for up-to-date interest and fees.

Please complete the following two requirements:

1. Complete the required Entrance Counseling for the Federal Direct Loan

This process is fairly simple and we urge you to take care of it as soon as possible.

During entrance counseling, you will learn about the following: What a Direct Loan is and how the loan process works, how to manage your education expenses, other financial resources to consider to help pay for your education, and your rights and responsibilities as a borrower.

Entrance Counseling is completed online using the student’s FSA ID. For information about the FSA ID go to studentaid.gov/fsaid

  1. Go to studentaid.gov.
  2. Click on the Login button. You need to know your FSA ID username and password.
  3. Once signed in, under “I’m Preparing for School”, click on “Complete Entrance Counseling”.
  4. Then click on “I’m an Undergraduate Student”.
  5. From here, follow the directions to complete your online Entrance Counseling.

PCA&D will be notified electronically when this requirement is completed. Keep in mind this is a learning tool. The amount of your loan is not going to be pre-populated; most freshman federal loan amounts are $5,500. Refer to your financial aid award notification letter.

2. Complete the Direct Federal Loan Master Promissory Note

The MPN is completed online using the student’s Federal FSA User ID.

  1. Go to studentaid.gov.
  2. Log in using your FSA User ID.
  3. Once signed in, under “I’m preparing for School”, click on “Complete MPN (i.e. Loan Agreement)”.
  4. Choose the link “I’m an Undergraduate Student – Start”.
  5. Make sure to go all the way through to the end. The last thing you will see is a confirmation that says… “Thank you for submitting the MPN”.

Failure to complete these requirements will result in a delay in processing your Direct Loan. Direct Loans processed after August 1 may result in late fees added to your tuition account. Students who do not complete the MPN will have the loan deleted from their aid.

If you do not wish to borrow Direct Loans,
please contact the financial aid department at finaid@pcad.edu with your decision.