
A snapshot look back at Orientation Week 2021

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Tuesday, August 24th, 2021

Five days of Orientation events filled the week before PCA&D’s Aug. 23 start date  — five days of meetings and presentations balanced out by ice cream, walking tours, pottery painting, sketch sessions, movies, and more.

It was, as President Michael Molla shared with the Class of 2025, an opportunity to “really explore what living a creative life is all about and to see how spending time with other creatives can strengthen your own practice”.

We were thrilled to welcome our Class of 2025, including a record number of transfer and dual-enrollment students. Our incoming class represents a rich diversity of experience, coming from seven states and more than half of Pennsylvania’s 67 counties.

Swipe through the photos below for a snapshot look at Orientation Week 2021.

Orientation Week

Three PCA&D folks behind the registration table for Orientation
Provost Dr. Carissa Massey addresses a group of first-year Foundation studentsin hte fourth floor gathering space
Orientation Leader Kylie Hileman takes a break during a presentation.
Information Technology's Alex Leonhart, right, does some troubleshooting with a new student.
display of branded PCA&D items; stickers, buttons, etc.
Students lined up for a walking tour outside the PCA&D buildings.
Getting their bearings in Lancaster city with a walk around the Musser Park neighborhood.
Students gathered to socialize in the PCA&D Art Garden.
Three students pose in hte Art Garden with their new plant.
Two students chat outside the main PCA&D entrance.
Art student sketching.
Students gathering at a table in the Art Garden
students gathered around a table in the art Garden .
Students sitting in the Art Garden
Students gathered around an Art Garden table.
Jaymi Vilardo '22, Fine Art, at right, explains CORE Gallery's mission during Orientation Week's club session.
Student iwth orange-dyed hair signs up for a club.
Kendall White '23, Illustration introduces club fair attendees to BLAC, the Black Led Art Coalition.
Leaders of the PCAD esports team with Monica Miller, center
five members in team jerseys link arms; photo from behind.
reg table
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