
Blake Sipe

Illustration, BFA

Minor in Creative Writing
Thesis Project

As an illustrator, I love being able to use my imagination and create something fun and interesting. For my board game, Shining Starlight Festival, I decided to let my imagination run loose and make a chaotic yet balanced game. This game was inspired by one of my favorite games, Mario Party, and has some DnD battle mechanics as well. As a child, I made a lot of board games with lined paper, old lego pieces, and cardboard, so I thought it was very fitting to create a board game for my thesis. For my thesis, I had a completely different direction that I wanted to go in, but I am very happy that I went with a board game. Throughout this process I have learned a lot and I was and still am very passionate about game design. I love that I was able to incorporate things I love but also make it my very own game.

Blake Sipe is an illustrator and concept artist who loves to tell stories through her characters and illustrations. Many video games and the characters inside those games serve as influential references for her. Those video game inspirations sparked her love of art and creation. She wants to create dynamic and interesting stories through her characters which people can relate to and be inspired by.

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