
Scholarship challenge exceeds goal

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Wednesday, May 24th, 2017

Scholarship gifts make it possible for promising young artists to create a life in art.

Thank you to all those who gave to PCA&D’s first Scholarship Challenge!

Faculty, students, staff, alumni, parents and PCA&D friends joined together to exceeded the Scholarship Challenge’s goal of $2,500 during May 2017. Your generosity has a lasting impact, and allows PCA&D to educate and inspire the next generation of artists.

In this informal challenge, members of the class of 2008 (including class members and parents) led the way with the most support, followed by members of the class of 2020.

For many talented and hardworking prospective students, the cost of a college education is out of reach without scholarship assistance. Your gift will help secure a bright future for students who have the talent and drive to succeed at PCA&D.

Special thanks goes to alumni Abigail Bonnett ’17,  Matt Allyn Chapman ’08, and Jessica Steigelman ’15 for the inspiring videos they made for the Challenge.