
Admissions Ambassador Jose Rosado ‘22, Graphic Design

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Saturday, February 6th, 2021


Self portrait by Jose Rosado


MEET JOSE ROSADO: I will be graduating in the year 2022. I am from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania [and] I am a Graphic Design major. (Instagram: @joserosado.creative)


What do you remember about your first visit to PCA&D?

JR: I remember a vibrant and busy day as it was an open house / portfolio review in 2018. I remember the diversity, the creativity, the warm welcome. I knew where I belonged that day.

Why PCA&D? What drew you to our college community?

JR: Some of the factors that made me choose PCA&D was the amount of diversity here as well as how small the school is and classes are which, in my opinion, creates a better learning environment.

Ars Electronica poster by Jose Rosado.

“Ars Electronica” poster by Jose Rosado.

Did you know you wanted to study Graphic Design when you arrived at PCA&D?

JR: I did know I was going to study graphic design when I came to PCA&D due to the fact that I already majored in it in high school and it was very successful for me.

Jose, what would your dream job be after college? Have you had a class or experience at PCA&D that really has enabled you to work toward that goal?

JR: My dream job would be to work for a design firm or advertising company. Anything I can apply my skills to and work with others. PCA&D has really put me in that direction since I do it most of the time in my courses.

Have you lived in PCA&D student housing or commuted to the College?

JR: I commute to PCA&D by car, I live just outside the city.

Empire Minimalist by Jose Rosado.

“Empire Minimalist” by Jose Rosado.

How have your relationships with your professors and the College’s small class size impacted your experience?

JR: The small size of the school is beneficial to the learning experience. The students and staff have more of a connection, and learning is way easier.

What’s your favorite annual College event?

JR: My favorite annual college event would have to be Designathon. It’s such a good opportunity to work with others and enjoy the process.

What’s your favorite art tool?

JR: My favorite art tool will always be my computer. If I had to pick something else it’d just be a paper and pencil, because that’s where I started.

Right now, who inspires you in your field?

JR: It’s hard to pick a favorite designer or artist. My favorite designers in my field would be Saul Bass and Leta Sobierajski. These artists are more innovative and that is what I love. But in all honesty my professors inspire me all the time. My two favorite professors I had and/or have are Jeremy Friend and Maria Cummings-Miller. They teach their craft the best and I have always loved working with them and I know I progress every time I am around them.

Want to hear more? Attend an upcoming PCA&D Admissions event and talk with our student ambassadors yourself! 


"Mars Exploration," by Jose Rosado.

“Mars Exploration,” by Jose Rosado.