
Lauren Wood

Illustration, BFA

Thesis Project

Just about every young artist wants to create something, rather it be some cool superhero, and overpowered villain, or just some cute girl, they eventually create a character or person of some sort in their life. For me, that was and still is the center and main thing I draw. I love to create characters out of something or nothing and I’ve put forth this attitude into making some. My thesis is heavily inspired by humanized Pokémon drawings and the act of making something that is non human, human. For my thesis, I created my own objects to make characters out of instead of choosing some to do so. I took inspiration from other objects in real life and then made my object which later led to me making a character inspired by said object.

Lauren Wood is an Illustrator who loves to draw and create various characters and sometimes place them in environments. One of her biggest inspirations for drawing was anime as a child and now concept art from various shows and games. She aspires to create concepts, mostly focused on characters, for shows or video games in the future.

204 N Prince St, Lancaster, PA 17603 717.396.7833

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