
PCA&D Alumni

Gretchen Schwartz

Class of 2007


•Verifies bugs and specs as part of the User Interfaces of Apple’s Productivity apps

•Former Production Designer | SIMux at Google ensuring that Google’s high standard of User Experience design is upheld from concept to completion.

•Former Production Designer contracted with Apple creating “pixel perfect” hardware and screen renderings, as well as retouching lifestyle photography for all facets of marketing materials across the global market, including Apple.com. Instrumental in creating the assets for the new Touch Bar on the MacBook Pro used in current commercial promotion and signage.

Learning the languages of clients, prospective clients, co-workers, and other artists will greatly improve both your overall work and industry connections. Speaking in artistic terminology, though impressive, doesn't always translate down the line to the client. Having a versatile armory of experiences and vocabulary will make you super appealing to work with…and don't forget to speel check your emails! All correspondence should be treated as face-to-face interactions. The other piece of the puzzle is networking. When you are looking to move into an industry, show work, or even find connections in a new city, making a good impression can go a long way. Scoring work is only as hard as having meaningful conversations, showing genuine enthusiasm, and keeping in touch. Sometimes a small gesture can go a long way to helping you build that perfect network of people to bring you to the top of your game.