Certificate Program
Advanced Photography & Video
Learn advanced techniques and practice contemporary conceptual strategies, culminating in a portfolio that demonstrates this understanding
This certificate is appropriate for students who have completed the Certificate in Digital Photography and educators who wish to improve their skills and credentials. This program advances the study of photography and video by examining large format photography, advanced color photography, advanced Adobe Photoshop skills that will culminate in a book of original photography, and the expanded exploration into video processes. It is possible to complete this certificate in a single Fall semester.
Required Courses
12 Credits | Not Available Online
PHV 215 Lighting for Lens-Based Media
Using digital video and still cameras, Lighting for Lens-Based Media will teach students to solve lighting problems through a series of simulated job assignments for still and motion capture solutions. Topics covered include the use of portable lighting for location and studio lighting. Motion capture techniques include lighting to anticipate movement, lighting cues with practical lights, using outdoor lighting and changing lighting within the same scene. The course emphasizes the process of collaboration from conceptualization through execution.
Credits : 3
PHV 300 Advanced Lens-Based Motion Production
This class continues in the pathway of the Introduction to Lens-Based Motion Production course. Students will learn more advanced techniques, complimenting the foundations taught in the introductory course. We will look at working with color and topics surrounding color grading and color theory. Students will learn more advanced forms of audio capture as it relates to film, including an introduction to audio design. We will look into advanced camera functions and advanced camera movements. Advanced storytelling techniques will include character arcs and character design. We will discuss and learn advanced editing through the study of professional editors.
Credits : 3
PHV 403 Lens-Based Motion Projects
Students will work on semester-long projects that include short films and documentary work. Projects will be generated through combined collaborations amongst students, while working through each stage of production, from development, pre-production, production, photography, wrap, post-production, and distribution. Students will have the ability to try out various roles such as directing, acting, camera, grip, lighting, and design or a self-composed role based on student strengths and interests. Students will gain hands-on experience to prepare them for the film community. The work in the course follows closely with Senior Thesis projects in PHV 402 Senior Thesis II.
Credits : 3
PHV 323 Large Format: Description & Contemplation
Students learn large format photography in this course, including how to operate a large format view camera, and utilize the unique image-making possibilities of 4×5 inch camera movements. Technical attention is placed on learning the Zone System method of exposure, development and printing. Assignments include problems in still life, portrait and landscape photography, and build upon skills learned in PH207 and PH221. Readings on relevant critical issues in photography, interaction with visiting artists, museum visits, and group and individual critiques provide context and inspiration for image making.
Credits : 3
PHV 326 Advanced Digital Photography
This course incorporates techniques and strategies that are used by photographic artists to extend their vision within the digital photography environment. In this course students learn various techniques, including digital, for combining, manipulating and repurposing single photographs into larger pieces. Emphasis is on the formal and conceptual elements of montage while camera techniques, digital stitching, color management and other craft issues are being learned. Readings on relevant critical issues in photography provide context and inspiration for image making.
Credits : 3
Who Should Enroll
Prerequisite for this certificate is completion of the Digital Photography Certificate or extensive professional experience. College experience is not a prerequisite, but having photography experience is essential since this is advanced material. High school and college graduates, veterans, professionals, and entrepreneurs will be among the students who bring their diverse perspectives to the program.
$1,157 per credit hour
A total of 12 credit hours are required. Credits will be billed per course.
How to Register
Enrolling in one of PCA&D’s Certificate Programs is simple. Confirm your intent to pursue one of our certificates by filling out an application.
If you have any questions regarding mapping out a plan, upcoming class schedules, or completing your certificate, please contact an Admissions Counselor at 717.396.7833 ext 1001 or email admission@pcad.edu.