Certificate Program
Business in Creative Industry
Pursuing a certificate in business offers many benefits, the full impact of which will be felt as students seek employment after certification
Creative makers frequently seek careers as industry professionals, individual creators, entrepreneurs, and self-reliant practitioners, and the particular skill sets developed through business coursework will contribute to their success. Pursuing additional content areas and concentrations communicates to employers that professionals seeking PCA&D certifications have a strong work ethic, possess interdisciplinary flexibility, and have the potential to be an adaptive and versatile professional.

Required Courses
18 Credits | Available Online
BUS 101 Intro to Business I
This course is the first in a two-part series that introduces students to the dynamic business environment. Topics covered include risk, globalization, economics, ethics and socially responsible behavior, forming a business, management, and leadership, and human resources. Students will begin to create a professional portfolio in this course that will be expanded on throughout the program.
Credits : 3
BUS 102 Intro to Business II
This course is the second in a two-part series that introduces students to the dynamic business environment. Topics covered include marketing and promotions, basic accounting and financial terms and functions, the legal environment, and technology in business.
Credits : 3
BUS 200 Accounting and Finance for Non-Majors
In this course, students will learn the basics of what accounting and financial information is, how it is developed and used, and what it means. This course provides the student with an understanding of what financial statements mean as opposed to covering the details of how to prepare financial statements. Topics covered include financial statements, the bookkeeping process, accounting presentation for current assets, PP&E (plant, property, and equipment), liabilities, and stockholders’ equity, corporate governance, financial statement analysis, CVP relationships, and planning and decision making.
Credits : 3
BUS 201 Principles of Marketing
This course introduces students to marketing and marketing strategy planning in order to determine the best way to satisfy customers. Topics covered include the external market environment, segmentation and targeting, differentiation and positioning, customer and competitors, and the 4Ps (place, product, promotion, and price).
Credits : 3
BUS 300 Entrepreneurship
In this course, students will further their understanding of the business environment, specifically the risks and rewards of entrepreneurship. Topics covered include the entrepreneurial perspective, ideas and opportunities, business plans, funding, and launching and growing a business. The course culminates with students preparing a business plan for their own entrepreneurial idea.
Credits : 3
BUS 301 Professional Practices
This course prepares students for a professional career in the evolving workplace by developing the ability to listen, engender trust, adapt to cultural differences, consider multiple perspectives, and communicate effectively. Topics covered include communication for professional success, culture and diversity, verbal and nonverbal messaging, listening and learning, teams, interviewing, and presentations. In this course, students will create a resume and cover letter for prospective employers and finalize the portfolio they have worked on through the program.
Credits : 3
Goals and Outcomes
- Students will understand how the major functions of business (accounting, management, marketing, finance, etc) work together to achieve organizational goals.
- Students will create a professional portfolio to showcase their unique skills and abilities.
- Students will understand, analyze, and communicate the financial results of an organization.
- Students will understand the importance of marketing in ensuring the organization meets the needs of the customer.
- Students will combine their business and artistic practice and understanding of entrepreneurial risk to create a business plan.
Who Should Enroll
The program is designed for a wide range of individuals. College experience is not a prerequisite for this program, but a fondness for working with data and visual design is essential. High school and college graduates, veterans, professionals, and entrepreneurs will be among the students who bring their diverse perspectives to the program.
$1,157 per credit hour
All classes in this certificate are 3 credits. A total of 18 credit hours are required. Credits to be billed per course.
How to Register
Enrolling in one of PCA&D’s Certificate Programs is simple. Confirm your intent to pursue one of our certificates by filling out an application.
If you have any questions regarding mapping out a plan, upcoming class schedules, or completing your certificate, please contact an Admissions Counselor at 717.396.7833 ext 1001 or email admission@pcad.edu.