
Setup Adobe Creative Cloud

While you're a student at PCA&D, you'll have access to the Adobe Creative Cloud of applications

Follow these instructions and install the Creative Cloud App on your Mac or PC. 

  1. Go to Adobe’s website and click on Sign In in the top-right corner of the page.
    Visit Adobe
  2. Click on the Continue with Google button to sign in.
    • If prompted, enter your PCA&D email username and password
  3. Click the 9 square dots on the web page top-right, then click on Creative Cloud.
  4. Click the Install Creative Cloud App link on the right-hand side under Resources.
  5. Open/Run the downloaded Creative Cloud Set-Up/Installer file
    • When prompted, use your computer’s password for the administrator password
  6. Once the installation has completed, the Creative Cloud app will open. From there you can download and install the Adobe software you need.
    • If the software shows “Try” or “Free trial” buttons instead of “Install” or “Download”, please contact IT for assistance.

GET HELP   396-7833 x 1004   it@pcad.edu