Creative Exploration Certificates
Enhance your professional credentials with our certificate program
Whether you wish to enhance your skills to increase marketability, gain new skills for job promotion, or take a completely new track for a career change, our certificates can help you achieve your goals in four to nine focused courses.
Courses are offered online or hybrid at varying times year-round. Select classes begin in January, May, July, and September. To receive a Certificate, you must achieve an overall 2.0 G.P.A. or better.

Entrepreneur: Design and Digital Marketing Certificate
This 9-course program will teach you the principles of design, HTML and CSS coding, the methodology behind design thinking, effective business practices, and more.

Digital Marketing & Social Media Certificate
This 5-course program will teach you how to develop and manage social media branding strategies, website design and creation, the most effective ways to use social media tools, and more.

Design Professional: Web Certificate
This 4-course program will teach you the principles of design and composition essential to effective web design.

Design Professional: Print Certificate
This 4-course program will teach you the skills you need to complete design projects in print.
Frequent Questions
You can take classes prior to enrolling and being accepted into the certificate program. These classes are credit-bearing and you will still earn college credits.
You will pay for classes as you take them. If a class does not run, you will be refunded in full. Please see our refunds FAQ sheet for more information.
You will need access to Adobe programs for certain classes. This information can be found under the supply list tab of each class. If you have a paid subscription to Adobe Creative Cloud, you can use your own paid account. If you are taking a course that requires Adobe Creative software and you do not already have a subscription, we will ask you to share your Adobe ID (free to create) with us to give you access to your Adobe software for download to your computer for the length of the class.
Most classes are online and all online classes utilize Google Classroom and Google Meet to store course content, share materials, and turn in assignments. A small selection of classes have required in person meetings along with online components. You can find the modality of classes on the class listings.
Supplies are always listed under the supply list tab for each course. Most classes include all readings and will not require the purchase of additional books. Notebooks or a note taking device are required for all classes. You will need access to technology that includes a webcam and microphone. Working on a phone or tablet is not recommended. You should ensure that your device is able to run programs like Adobe Creative Cloud, WordPress, etc. We recommend engaging your classes on Google Chrome and a Google account is required to access your online classroom. The best browser to use for Google Meet is Google Chrome. Installing Google Chrome is fast and easy, but you should install it well before class begins.
Classes run quarterly in the Winter, Spring, Summer, and Fall. We list classes under the Adult Professional classes category of the Center for Creative Exploration section of the PCA&D website at least one month prior to the start of classes. Sessions start in January (Winter), May (Spring), July (Summer), and September (Fall).
Financial Aid does not cover part-time programs like the certificate programs offered through the Center for Creative Exploration. We do, however, have scholarships available. Please email for details.
If you are interested in pursuing a certificate to benefit or compliment your workplace, you can ask your employer if they manage a professional development fund for your use. Some employers offer support by covering all or some of the costs of a certificate in a program. If your employer covers these costs by providing funding directly to you, you do not need to inform the Center for Creative Exploration. Some employers pay upfront per class while others offer reimbursements to employees for classes after completion. If your employer needs additional information or has more specific questions, they can reach out to
If you are interested in paying for your employees to take credit-bearing classes OR for the certificate please reach out to us at to discuss registration processes, progress tracking, billing/invoicing, etc.
Additional Certificate Pathways
PCA&D also offers Undergraduate Certificates. Earn college credits as you take undergraduate classes toward the completion of a certificate. Those credits can then be applied to a Bachelor’s degree at PCA&D or another institution.