Donna Felton
Donna Felton
Seedling, 13 x 10 in collage
Donna Felton
Donna Felton
Home | 8X10 in. Collage
Lindsey Cammauf
Lindsey Cammauf
Subconscious Faces | 9x5.5 in. Pen and Marker
Matt Chapman
Matt Chapman
Eleven Ovals: The Reeds | 10X10 in. Conte, Ink Wash on 300lb Paper
Matt Chapman
Matt Chapman
Tidal Pools | 10x10 in. Sumi Ink, Ink Wash on 300lb Paper
Noelle Fortna
Noelle Fortna
Peaches Roses on Granite and Linen | 11x15 in. Watercolor
Noelle Fortna
Noelle Fortna
Between the Fields, Lancaster PA | 11x15 in. Watercolor
Eva Gallagher
Eva Gallagher
Tangled | 10x7 in. Colored Pencil and Pen
Eva Gallagher
Eva Gallagher
Chaos Consumed | 10x7 in. Colored Pencil and Charcoal
Le Hinton
Le Hinton
Wintergreen | 10x8 in. Poetry
Le Hinton
Le Hinton
Scenes from Real Life, Indiantown Gap | 10x8 in. Poetry
Michael Kelchner
Michael Kelchner
Jalapeños | 5x5 in. Ink
Michael Kelchner
Michael Kelchner
Columbia Crossing | 11X14 in. Charcoal
Lia Lindemuth
Lia Lindemuth
BOO | 14x21 in. Sharpie, Marker
Barbara Strasko
Barbara Strasko
The Artist | 10x8 in. Poetry
Donna Milton
Donna Milton
On Staying Home | 14x11 in. 17 Poetry
Donna Milton
Donna Milton
County Park, Mid-November | 12.5x10.5 in. Poetry
Hannah Bost
Hannah Bost
CobWeb | 8.5x11 in. Poetry
Nichole Madonna
Nichole Madonna
Destruct, Create, Rinse, Repeat | 15x12 in. Torn Paper, Glue, Gesso
Angie Hohenadel
Angie Hohenadel
Taken | 13x13 in. Mixed Media
Erin Dorney
Erin Dorney
Men Touch Plants | 5x3 in. Collage
Erin Dorney
Erin Dorney
Men Touch Me | 5x3 in. Collage
Joann Monk
Joann Monk
Pleasure in Nature’s Colors | 7x3 in. Paper, Pen, Bark, Dried Leaves, Fern and Feathers
Evelyn Hershey
Evelyn Hershey
City Scape | 10x8 in. Collage
Evelyn Hershey
Evelyn Hershey
Tree Collage | 12x9 in. Collage
Bertha Hawk
Bertha Hawk
Blue Mug | 14x11 in. Watercolor
Doreen Jacoby
Doreen Jacoby
Unfinished Snowman | 11x14 in. Watercolor
Doreen Jacoby
Doreen Jacoby
Melting Snowman in One Line | 9x12 in. Watercolor
Connie McKane
Connie McKane
Serenity | 12X10 in. Paper Collage
Ruth Dunlap
Ruth Dunlap
Transformation | 9x7 in. Collage
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Isiah Bates
Isiah Bates
Artzbeat- Sharnee Burnett
Delaina Jolley
Shazeem Sueksagan
Artzbeat- Sharnee Burnett
Shazeem Sueksagan
Isiah Bates
Artzbeat- Sharnee Burnett
Artzbeat- Sharnee Burnett
Artzbeat- Sharnee Burnett
Artzbeat- Sharnee Burnett
Dom Bryson
Dom Bryson
Dom Bryson
Dom Bryson
Shazeem Sueksagan
Shazeem Sueksagan
Isiah Bates
Isiah Bates
Isiah Bates
Isiah Bates
Isiah Bates
Donna Felton
Donna Felton
Lindsey Cammauf
Matt Chapman
Matt Chapman
Noelle Fortna
Noelle Fortna
Eva Gallagher
Eva Gallagher
Le Hinton
Le Hinton
Michael Kelchner
Michael Kelchner
Lia Lindemuth
Barbara Strasko
Donna Milton
Donna Milton
Hannah Bost
Nichole Madonna
Angie Hohenadel
Erin Dorney
Erin Dorney
Joann Monk
Evelyn Hershey
Evelyn Hershey
Bertha Hawk
Doreen Jacoby
Doreen Jacoby
Connie McKane
Ruth Dunlap
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4/01/2021 - 4/30/2021

Zammesei : To Be Together

An exhibition partnership with the Center for Creative Exploration and Garden Spot Village Community

Togetherness during a global pandemic is in short supply. The concept of Zammesei (“To be together” in Pennsylvania Dutch) lies at the heart of this exhibition and stems from the rich traditions of this region. All featured artworks were created by students and faculty of the Center for Creative Exploration at the Pennsylvania College of Art & Design.

In early 2021, residents of Garden Spot Village community were invited to participate in a series of the Center’s online workshops focusing on watercolor, collage, Notan design, poetry, and automatic drawing. Across a variety of media, this exhibit unites the residents of Garden Spot Village and the PCA&D community in creativity during a time of uncertainty and isolation. Zammesei is a celebration of art’s intrinsic ability to bring people together.

Featured artists include Hannah Bost, Lindsey Cammauf, Matt Chapman, Erin Dorney, Donna Felton, Noelle Fortna, Eva Gallagher, Bertha Hawk, Evelyn Hershey, Le Hinton, Angie Hohenadel, Doreen Jacoby, Michael Kelchner, Lia Lindemuth, Nichole Madonna, Connie McKane, Donna Milton, Joann Monk, Barbara Strasko.

Curated by Aidan Thackray ’22

View the Exhibition Book