Dr. Asavari Thatte Pendharkar
Chair of Design Thinking, Assistant Professor
Design Thinking
Asavari Pendharkar is an educator, researcher, designer, and entrepreneur. As an academician and designer/entrepreneur, she finds the synergistic relationship between Design Thinking theory and practice exciting. Having closely experienced multiple cultures and geographies as a designer and transnational scholar, Asavari strongly believes in creating design that responds to cultures and places. As an educator, her focus with Design Thinking is to encourage students to examine cultural, behavioral, and spatial contexts relevant to design. Asavari’s research in art education, design, and transnational scholarship has been published in peer-reviewed journals and edited books. Her research and writing examine design in curricular and cultural contexts.
The Pennsylvania State University - PhD in Art Education. Minor in Curriculum and Instruction
Savannah College of Art and Design - MA in Graphic Design
Mumbai University - BFA in Applied Art