Find events and programming addressing learning at all levels through tutoring, study tables, or one of our workshops on study skills, time management, information literacy, and more.
Academic Support Form
Students can request academic assistance through this form.
Interview Preparation Guide
A working checklist to help you prepare for interviews—whether virtual, in person, or by phone. Copy the Google Doc or print it for a hard copy and follow the tips provided to set yourself up for success. Learn what to bring and wear to an interview, the most common questions and what to expect, and tips and tricks for different situations.
Working as a Creative in the Gig Economy
A rundown of essential tips for digging up gigwork, spotting scams, advocating for yourself and protecting your time, and preparing for tax season along the way will help you stay productive and sane.
Where are the computer labs?
Computer labs are available for students to use anytime the college is open. They are all located on the third floor and include rooms 311, 312, and the CINTIQ lab in room 316. The Digital Print Lab is also located in the same area in room 313.
Adam Harris Smith
Director of the Center for Teaching & Learning and Learning Commons Manager
Find events and programming addressing learning at all levels through tutoring, study tables, or one of our workshops on study skills, time management, information literacy, and more.
It's Complicated: The Relationship Between Effort and Learning
Recently, someone shared a New York Times piece with me from Adam Grant (externally linked here), a bestselling author of nonfiction books on applying psychological research to lead more rewarding (re: successful) lives and help others do the same. Titled, “No, You Don’t Get An A for Effort,” Grant describes an increase in student demand…
Adam Harris Smith
Director of the Center for Teaching & Learning and Learning Commons Manager