center forteaching & learning


Find events and programming addressing learning at all levels through tutoring, study tables, or one of our workshops on study skills, time management, information literacy, and more.

Where are the computer labs?

Computer labs are available for students to use anytime the college is open. They are all located on the third floor and include rooms 311, 312, and the CINTIQ lab in room 316. The Digital Print Lab is also located in the same area in room 313. 

Adam Harris Smith

Director of the Center for Teaching & Learning and Learning Commons Manager


Find events and programming addressing learning at all levels through tutoring, study tables, or one of our workshops on study skills, time management, information literacy, and more.

Great Expectations and Growth Mindsets

You may have heard this story: a teacher is told that their students have above average IQs, and the teacher engages with their class, with above average results. The teacher is later told that, in fact, their students were an average (re: mixed ability) group. The self-fulfilling prophecy of positive expectations leading to positive outcomes…

Adam Harris Smith

Director of the Center for Teaching & Learning and Learning Commons Manager