Do you need to write a paper and want help? Contact the Writing Center
- Do you have an art history assignment that requires research and a written response?
- Do you need to write an artist statement to go with your art project?
- Do you need to prepare a resume and letter for an internship or potential employment?
- Do you simply want someone to read your work and make sure the assignment is completed correctly?
- Do you want to practice a presentation?
Request an appointment for writing help or visit the Writing Center in the Learning Commons – Room 214. For additional questions, email us at
We have experienced tutoring students with learning differences, linguistic challenges, and neurodiverse needs. Please note that tutors will not be privy to any accommodations arrangements made with the college and it is up to the student to disclose what causes their writing difficulties. Tutors treat the relationship with tutees as confidential and will not share this information with anyone else.
We can help you at any stage in the writing process including the planning stages before you start writing. Please be aware that there is no guarantee that an assignment will be completed by the end of a tutoring session, especially if you begin the process at the start of the session.
You can make a special request to meet with the Writing Center Director which will be contingent upon availability.
Tutors need sufficient time to review your work, so please schedule an appointment in advance of a deadline. Consider a request made within anything less than a 24-hour window to be difficult to coordinate.
Same-day services are not offered unless a Learning Commons drop-in session is scheduled. (Such as Study Tables)
Student tutors do not stand in place of spelling and grammar checking applications—the tutors will focus more so on feedback regarding construction than on proofreading a paper.
Do not blame a tutor if common spelling and grammar errors remain in a draft. It is the responsibility of the student to review their work and make suggested changes before submitting the final work for an assignment.
Study Tables
Join your fellow students during the lunch hour 11:30am – 12:30pm in the Learning Commons on any weekday. No appointment necessary, just show up in person!
Writing Center services include tutoring, instruction, guided research, and the review of materials in order to strengthen writing abilities. Faculty and student staff can meet with individuals or small groups to provide assistance. Please use our space, services, and programming to enhance your academic skills and produce your best-written work. Visit us in the Learning Commons, room 214!

Caitlin Downs
Writing Programs Coordinator

Laura Gaughan
Assistant Coordinator of Writing Programs