3 stories: Diverse Voices
Tuesday, November 7th, 2017
A brand champion. A poet. An educator.
Join PCA&D’s Liberal Arts Department for “3 Stories” on Tuesday, November 14, 7 – 9 p.m. in the Atrium, to hear three dynamic guest speakers, Penny Wrenn, Le Hinton, and Ruth Hernandez-Siegel, who will share their engaging stories as part of the department’s Diverse Voices Speaker Series.
This year, the Diverse Voices Speaker Series is focused on storytelling by individuals whose perspectives have been shaped by diversity. The speakers will draw from their experiences or connections to communities whose stories are unique, under-represented, or perhaps even untold. Speakers will have 30 minutes each to tell their stories, followed by Q&A. Light refreshments will be served. Please join us!
Featured Speakers:
Penny Wrenn is a driven and energetic leader with 15+ years of experience working with nationally known companies, including numerous print and online publications like Essence, Esquire,Glamour, and Redbook. Based in Lancaster, she consistently leverages her core strengths as a brand champion and editorial storyteller on behalf of her employers and clients. As a writer who has worked extensively with well-known national television and print media entities, she understands how to craft compelling stories and introduce new concepts that successfully engage a wide-reaching audience or readership. http://www.pennywrenn.com/
Le Hinton is the author of five poetry collections including The Language of Moisture and Light (Iris G. Press, 2014). His work has been widely published and can be found or is forthcoming in The Best American Poetry 2014, Little Patuxent Review, the Baltimore Review, The Summerset Review, Pittsburgh Poetry Review, and outside Clipper Magazine Stadium in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, incorporated into Derek Parker’s sculpture Common Thread. He has read his work at the Library of Congress for Grace Cavalieri’s long-running series, The Poet and the Poem; Penn State University for the Pennsylvania Center for the Book’s Public Poetry Project; in Charleston, South Carolina, for the Capital BookFest; and in New York City at the New School for The Best American Poetry 2014release reading. https://www.lehinton.com/
Ruth Hernandez-Siegel spent her early childhood in Puerto Rico before moving to the New York metro area, where she attended Brooklyn College, Columbia University, and St. John’s University, receiving degrees in English and School Guidance Counseling. She returned to Puerto Rico for post graduate courses in culture and history and traveled to Spain for courses in the liberal arts under the auspices of a program designed for Hispanic educators living and teaching in the United States by the ICI (Instituto de Cultural Interamericano). In NYC, she taught at all levels of public school education and also spent three years as a social investigator for the Department of Welfare, Bureau of Child Care. In Lancaster, after teaching English as a Second Language, she worked as a Guidance Counselor at several School District of Lancaster elementary schools.
The event will be held in PCA&D’s Atrium, 204 N Prince Street, Lancaster. It is free and handicapped accessible. The public is invited.