Art student Q&A, Part II
Friday, May 27th, 2016
This is the second in a series of posts in a series where PCA&D students talk about their art, inspirations and influences, and thoughts about their education. Samantha Hunsicker, Justin Carney, Courtney Scheingraber, and Olivia DiFilippo continue sharing their thoughts about their favorite media and professors.
The next exhibition in PCA&D’s Main Gallery, Selected Artworks from the BFA Program at PCA&D, features a selection of outstanding artwork created by two dozen of our rising junior and senior BFA students, including Samantha, Justin, Courtney and Olivia. A wide variety of media are represented including digital and hand-painted illustration, sculpture, painting, printmaking, photography and graphic design.
Join us First Friday, June 3, from 5 – 8 p.m. in the Main Gallery, for the Opening Reception of Selected Artworks, and meet the artists!
What is your favorite medium to work with? Have you discovered a new media during your studies that you never thought you would use? If so, describe the media and how it has changed or influenced your work.
Samantha Hunsicker, Fine Art, Class of 2017
My hands down absolute favorite medium is either Wood Block Printmaking or Silk Screening. Nothing really trumps Printmaking for me. The process is calming and I never know how the piece is going to turn out.
I have actually discovered that I do have a close second that I never thought I was going to use: Painting. I absolutely hated painting until I took Professor Kitson’s Painting I class. I guess painting changed the way I looked at things, especially in my prints. They became more about atmosphere then about a solid form.
Justin Carney, Photography, Class of 2018
My favorite is photography. I used to only draw, and I wanted to be that kind of artist, I wanted to be a cartoonist. But after I took a photography class in High School, I fell in love with the challenge of it.
I’m not the greatest at drawing, but it came relatively easy to me. It was always interesting, but it didn’t push me how I apparently wanted to be pushed. With drawing, I could simply put my imagination on a blank page, but with photography, I have to break down reality to make it fit my imagination. I find that to be much more fun, because it’s so much of a challenge for me.
Courtney Scheingraber, Illustration, Class of 2017
Oil painting is my absolute favorite medium; for me nothing can beat the beauty and the difficulty of working with it.
About a year and a half ago I discovered the magical world of digital art, and I am still in awe of how that helps me with my work. If something needs to be done quickly, such as a rough sketch, a value study, or a color study, I can quickly do it using Corel Painter or Photoshop, and not have to worry about the permanence of what I’ve done. In addition I will use either programs to make minor adjustments to my paintings as needed.
Olivia DiFilippo, Fine Art, Class of 2017
Choosing a favorite medium is so hard for me because I am in love with so many different things. One of my favorite mediums is graphite on Mylar because it can take a beating. I’m always too cautious about “ruining” my work and Mylar gives me the opportunity to stop being afraid and just make.
I also really love oil paint on shellacked wood.
Has there been any particular assignment, or certain faculty member who has strongly influenced your work?
Samantha Hunsicker, Fine Art, Class of 2017
All of the faculty I had have influenced my work in some way, need it be the way that I look at something, the way I do something or just lighting a fire under my butt.
Justin Carney, Photography, Class of 2018
I can’t say just one person or just one assignment, I learn from and am influenced by everything that I come across. David Johanson, Jordan Baumgarden, Julia Staples, Eric Weeks, many of the photo students (current and graduates), I’ve learned a lot from them all.
Courtney Scheingraber, Illustration, Class of 2017
There have been so many strong influences on my work, but I would have to say that Christina Hess has influenced me the most. My freshman year I had declared my major as graphic design, but through my sophomore year I was a little hesitant about working with typography, layouts, web design, etc. so I meandered around the gallery and saw a piece done by Christina Hess. Instantly I was hooked onto the idea of illustration. Flash forward a couple of semesters and she has been the greatest to help me do oil paintings. She not only taught me some tricks, what brushes are the best, colors to have on hand, but she helped me find specifically what I am most passionate about illustrating.
Olivia DiFilippo, Fine Art, Class of 2017
I’m influenced strongly by all of my professors but this semester Dave Moss, Becky Blosser and Evan Kitson have really made a huge impact on me. I can never pick just one professor.
“Selected Artworks from the BFA program at PCA&D” will be on exhibit in the Main Gallery at Pennsylvania College of Art & Design, 204 N Prince Street, Lancaster, from June 3 to August 12, 2016. Hours are Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
The Opening First Friday Reception, will be held First Friday June 3 from 5 – 8 p.m. in the Main Gallery.