
Illustration Juniors’ work published in online collection

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Friday, March 2nd, 2018

Again this year, in Illustration Studio II, taught by Megan Halsey and Christina Hess, illustration students were assigned a project called the Community Challenge Project.

Each student was charged with finding an online community challenge that focuses on illustrative problem solving and then create a piece that would

  1. fit into their portfolio and
  2. satisfy the requirements of the projects guidelines.

This project forces the students to put their work out there in public forums, and directs attention to the college as well. According to Christina Hess, it’s a great way to break the comfort zone of school and start finding ways to market one’s artwork.

One of the possible challenges involves a pair of websites, They Draw and Cook, where artists create an illustrative recipe of anything, and They Draw and Travel, where artists create an illustrate a location.

Here are a few of the accepted pieces:

(Art: Cinna-Man Buns, by Kathryn Mikus)