Leah Walt receives Cynthia E. Price Memorial Scholarship
Friday, October 13th, 2017
“It would be hard to explain the kind of person Mom was, but the person who would understand would be an artist,” said Jordan Price, son of the late Cynthia Price.
J. Richard “Rick” Price and his two sons Jacob and Jordan, along with their families, created the Cynthia E. Price Memorial Scholarship, a one-time scholarship for the 2017-18 academic year, to remember her, an artist and craftswoman who worked, lived, and loved in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania.
Leah Walt, a PCA&D Senior Fine Art student, was the recipient of the scholarship. She expressed gratitude for the family’s effort in making her collegiate dreams easier during an opportunity to give the entire Price family a tour of PCA&D.
Walt, a nontraditional student, returned to college after life challenges derailed her path during her young adult years. She said she made a conscious decision to redirect her path five years ago, a decision that led her to PCA&D and to become involved in the revitalization of her hometown of York PA. There, Walt co-founded an artist collective and gallery dubbed Philosophy Collective (now Hive Artspace) in York’s newly established Royal Square Neighborhood.
Rick Price said, “Cindy found beauty in everything and helped with everything.” The scholarship seemed like the natural thing to do.” The goal of this scholarship is to offset a portion of the expenditure that visual arts students often incur for their tuition in the pursuit of progressing their knowledge and advancing their skillset.
Cynthia E. Price passed away on Tuesday, October 18, 2016. As an artist, she took cues from the natural landscape she experienced as a child growing up in Lancaster County and during her travels abroad to produce rich and accessible representations of the world she saw around her. Her stylistic monogram and initial designs led her to open a small shop, Love Letters, at Building Character, where demand for her paintings, unique furniture, and decorative accessories enabled expansion and transition into what became Sanctuary.
Cynthia’s family, including her husband J. Richard “Rick” Price, two adult sons Jacob and Jordan, and their families, encouraged memorial contributions in lieu of flowers, in Cynthia’s name to the Pennsylvania College of Art & Design, http://pcad.edu/give/, to provide financial assistance to promising art students.
“We are thankful for the donors’ generosity and the local art community’s support. Their kindness helps not only Leah, but it has also helped our healing process as well,” said Jacob Price.
The recipient of the scholarship was selected by the College, based on criteria set by the family including, the student has advanced beyond the first year of studies, is pursuing a degree in visual arts, has a strong academic and work ethic, as indicated by a GPA of not less than 3.50, and is determined to improve the world around them through the expression of their artwork.
Top photo: In Leah’s Senior Studio: Rick Price, Jackie Price, Megan Price, Leah Walt, Jacob Price, Jordan Price, and Evelyn, Sophia, and Mason Price.