PCA&D appoints Jason Herr First Alumni Artist in Residence
Friday, June 14th, 2019
After reviewing many outstanding applications, PCA&D’s Fine Art Residency committee is pleased to announce that Jason Herr, class of 2016, was selected to be our first PCA&D Alumni Resident. He will be working in the College’s studio, printmaking lab, and digital print lab to further his artistic projects.
“When I was attending PCA&D I was able to complete many projects using the media and tools available,” Herr says. “However, I didn’t have as much time as I would have liked to explore each one to its full potential. I would also use this opportunity to push my own work into a more unique and personal space by reexamining my thesis ideas and experimenting with new ways to express them. I will explore the different tools and media made available more thoroughly, and use the 3D workshop to make a few wood sculptures that would complement my 2D work.”
Herr has remained in Lancaster after graduation, and has exhibited locally, nationally, and internationally. He says of his work since leaving PCA&D, “Since graduating PCA&D in 2016, I have ventured out to the cities around Lancaster including New York, Philadelphia, and Baltimore to absorb the work being shown and to make as many connections as possible. Since graduating I have shown in New York City, Philadelphia, Leeds (England), Seattle, Baltimore, and Portland. In addition I have completed illustrations for Lifted Brow Magazine, Mondo Zero Press, and Hey! Pop Culture Magazine. I have also self published several zines featuring my artwork which have sold in shops in New York, San Diego, and Chicago.”
This summer, Herr will also be teaching through PCA&D’s continuing education program, starting a class on a beginners guide to making comic books for middle- and high-schoolers.
The Alumni Artist-in-Residence Program was created to help the Fine Art department maintain its connections with PCA&D alumni and keep them involved. According to William Mammarella, PCA&D’s Chair of Fine Art, “PCA&D students will benefit from meeting and learning from an alumni who is actively working to take their practice further.”
The alumnus-resident will participate in PCA&D’s creative community, and connect with the students and faculty at their alma mater, while further developing their own professional practice.The resident will mentor PCA&D students and be mentored by PCA&D’s visiting artists and faculty. In addition, the resident will renew their connection to PCA&D’s creative community and have access to all building facilities, including full use of PCA&D’s printmaking facilities, digital print lab and wood shop, as well receive studio space similar to those assigned to senior Fine Art majors.
In his senior year at PCA&D, Herr was featured in a blog post “Personalities in the Studio,” and beginnings of his work’s trajectory is evident. At the time, Herr said, “Having a studio space really helps the process in which I make art. I like to surround myself with imagery that will spark inspiration. I often have stacks of art books around the studio in which I will pull from. Being able to inhabit this personalized space makes it easier to transfer to a more creative thought process. This has helped me move into a more confident phase of my image making.”
“As he mentors current PCA&D students, Jason will make great use of studio space here at PCA&D. I’m interested to see where his art-making heads,” said Mammarella.