PCA&D Student Clubs Get Underway for 2019-2020
Monday, September 23rd, 2019
Beyond the classes and the critiques, PCA&D students get a chance to pursue other passions as well — opportunities to try out leadership roles, get involved in professional organizations, or simply relax and make new connections.
This year at PCA&D, nearly 20 clubs will meet, often weekly. Students are welcome to check them out, and encouraged to get involved:
The American Institute of Graphic Arts is a professional design group.
Meeting: Every other Thursday, 1 pm, 314
Contact: president Anthony Nardo
Anime Club
Watching, discussing and drawing anime and manga
Meeting: Tuesdays, 7 pm, 310
Contact: president William Riley
Art Market
Twice-a-year networking, vending, and portfolio opportunity
Contact: presidents Willa Hutchison and Sarah Garrett
Bible Study
Learn and relax with a faith-driven group in an open, accepting environment
Meeting: Tuesdays, 7 pm, 402
Contact: TBD
DarkCrest Studios
A deep dive into game development
Meeting: Thursdays, 7 pm, 214
Contact: presidents Jeff Maisonneuve and Daniel Cardona
Fine Arts Club
Building a network of passionate and creative professionals
Meeting: Wednesdays, 7 pm, 404
Contact: president Quinn Waltman
Laid-back space to hang out, play games, and compete
Meeting: Mondays, 7 pm, 213
Contact: president Dorinda Benner
Jam Sesh
Collaborative, refreshing modern choir
Meeting: Thursdays, 7 pm, 402
Contact: president Shazeem Sueksagan
A collaborative space for all majors to work, critique, exhibit, and have professional opportunities
Meeting: Mondays, 7 pm, 102
Contact: president Adam Leitzel
A retreat from schoolwork to reflect on the highs and lows of college
Meeting: Tuesdays, 7 pm, 213
Contact: presidents Lindsay Dawson and Nikkole Hagginbothom
PCA&D Alliance
A place to celebrate, converse, and support the LGBT+ community
Meeting: TBD
Contact: presidents Xenia Honchar and Azrayl Y. Pugh-Cook
PCA&D Esports
Meetings: TBD
Contact: president Tariq Qureshi
International organization focusing on the digital media industry
Meeting: Fridays, 5:15 pm, 213
Contact: president Jeff Yosco
Dedicated to building a network of passionate and constructive workers; open to all majors
Meeting: Thursdays, 7 pm, 314
Contact: president Cali Loftus
Spirit Wear Organization
Creating and revamping PCA&D’s spirit wear
Meeting: Wednesdays, 1 pm, 506
Contact: president Anthony Nardo
Student Council
Meetings open to every student to address ideas, concerns, and events
Meeting: Second and fourth Thursdays, 1 pm, Boardroom
Contact: Executive Board members Dyneisha Gross, Jericho Tulayan or Cali Loftus
Sunflower Salutations Yoga
A relaxing hour for refreshing bodies and minds, chill music, and sweet scents included
Meeting: Tuesdays, 7 pm, by the cintiq lab
Contact: TBD
Table-Top Gaming
Play strategy games and workshop with friends
Meeting: Wednesdays, 7 pm, 314
Contact: president Samantha Brooks or vice president Danny Rapp
“Yes &” Improv Troupe
Developing improvisation skills through acting games and performance
Meeting: Tuesdays, 7 pm, 301
Contact: presidents Jeff Yosco and Rachel D’Agnilli
Students interested in participating in any clubs or their events, or PCA&D events in general, should email any of the club presidents or the College Student Council Executive Board: Dyneisha Gross, Jericho Tulayan, and Cali Loftus.