Prof. Eric Weeks film selected for screening in Morocco, Germany
Thursday, November 3rd, 2016
The short film The Wind Dies The Sun Sets, a contemplative consideration of energy extraction and use in Pennsylvania, by Eric Weeks, Pennsylvania College of Art & Design Chair of Photography, and collaborator Joshua Reiman, was selected as the winner of ikonoTV‘s open call for Art Speaks Out 2016, a curated video program about the environment. (Trailer for The Wind Dies The Sun Sets )
The film will be continuously screened at WACE – Arkane Africa ArtCOP22 in Marrakesh, Morocco from November 7-18, in conjunction with the United Nations’ 22nd annual international climate change conference COP22.
In addition, the film will also be projected during the PCA&D Faculty Biennial that opens Friday November 4 at PCA&D’s gallery, 204 N Prince Street, Lancaster and will screen continuously during the run of the exhibition, through January 6. At the 2016 Faculty Biennial PCA&D will present new artworks created by its BFA faculty members teaching studio courses in Digital Media, Graphic Design, Illustration, Fine Art and Photography. This group exhibition provides a special opportunity for students and the public to see the work created by this talented group of artists. Reception for the Artists: First Friday, November 4th and December 2nd from 5 to 8 p.m.
ikonoTV, based in Berlin, will also broadcast the film on Thursdays and Sunday nights at 9 p.m. throughout the month of November.