Sample PCA&D classes through new workshops
Wednesday, June 13th, 2018
PCA&D’s Continuing Education Department has launched an ongoing series of workshops to offer adults an opportunity to taste some of its exciting offerings, in three-hour bites.
These classes are great, according to Amber Kane, Continuing Education Director, for those who want to try a class without investing too much time or money. The workshops are more than an introduction to the topic, offering concrete tools and tips for the participant, but do not require the commitment a six week class entails.
This summer’s offering of workshops give small business owners, including artists, tools they can immediately use to better market their activities to their desired audience using social media.
Savvy Social Media for Artists, Tuesday, July 10, demonstrates how artists can use these essential networking platforms to promote their own work, and discover new and exciting artists and communities.
Paid Social Media Marketing: Boosts Posts and More, Thursday, July 19, offers an understanding of how you can use paid social media to extend your messaging.
Developing a Social Media Branding Guide, Thursday, July 26th, covers how to develop, distribute, and manage an internal style guide to ensure your company’s messaging is on brand at all times, from an email subject line to an annual report.
Future courses will include a variety of topics, including artmaking. For instance, Makers Slam, Thursday, August 2, offers parents, educators and others a chance to learn and create DIY projects using such tools as MakeyMakey, Drawdio, and others.
Navigating Negativity: What to do When Things go Wrong, Thursday, August 9, offers business owners proactive tips on how to prevent social media push-back), and what to do in scenarios of varying degrees of crisis and sensitivity, from a one-star review to a negative news story.
Look for at least one workshop every month through PCA&D’s Continuing Education Program.