
Student Life kicks off Spring semester with Among Us night

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Friday, January 27th, 2023

Who’s a Crewmate, and who’s an Imposter?

Student Life kicked off a return for Spring semester with a real-life version of the multiplayer online game Among Us. Dozens of students turned out for the first Friday evening of the semester, bringing the online game into the realm of reality as a lively scavenger hunt. Roaming campus, teams of students were tasked with finding stations and performing mini-puzzles tasks, all the while trying to figure out which team was comprised of friendly Crewmates, and which team was made up of Imposters. 

Those who participated were able to explore campus while playing games that provided opportunities to help develop communication skills to work together to complete tasks and play detectives to discover who the Imposters were. The game was such a hit with the students, they ended up playing two rounds, staying on campus until the buildings closed. 

Congratulations to the Student Life team and its crew of assistants for a busy evening, allowing everyone to get reacquainted with campus and each other!