Kevin A. Foss

Graphic Design, BFA

With clean, clear designs, Kevin A. Foss approaches packaging design and branding with a nuanced approach. Foss thrives on the ideation stage, and enjoys conducting research to determine the perfect mood, tone, and colors for a project.

During his time at PCA&D, Foss worked with Nimblist, an event production company, on research and stage design concepts.

He has made the Dean’s List multiple times during his academic career.

Hamilton, New Jersey, b.1996

Kevin A. Foss
Photo courtesy of the artist
  • Graphic Design USA Package Design Winner
  • American Institute of Graphic Arts Member
  • Promotional Designer Philadelphia Flower Show
  • MCCC Keystone Non-Profit Project
  • MCCC Graphic Design Club President
Pennsylvania College of Art & Design
204 N. Prince St. Lancaster, PA 17603