
CamRyn Mickens

Animation & Game Art, BFA

Art History & Visual Culture, General Humanities, Creative Writing
Our Footprints. Our Legacy.
Through the creation of props and environments, CamRyn explores the emotional impact on how truths are perceived. They blur the line between environments and characters to get the viewer to feel a strong sense of longing and desperation. The cycle of life as nature reclaims it and the cycle of love shared through generations of families are the driving inspiration for this piece.

During their time at PCA&D, CamRyn has helped to co-found the Black Led Artist Coalition (BLAC.), is currently serving in the secretary position, and is on the BLAC curatorial board. They’ve had works in the BLAC-led show “Works Cited for Black History Month 2022.” CamRyn also works at the Writing Center as a writing tutor, and is a member of the Lyceum Student Support Group.