
Bahir Harris

Graphic Design, BFA

Thesis Project

Bahir Harris is Inspired by the people and the community who have shaped him into becoming a visionary. From the loud, brash, hardworking, and emotionful environment that is Philadelphia, it has created an indent inside of his work. Bahir tries to encapsulate all of this, with every little hint of himself, and his story. With a lengthy knowledge of art history, visual communications, typography and graphic design, Bahir’s work instills this in its purest form.

I’m a graphic design major from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Prior to joining PCAD, my former college closed down thus leaving me with no place to resume my college curriculum until PCAD stepped in. I think with this unique experience, and the background of my personal life while living in Philadelphia really has shaped me as an artist, and the person who I am today. I hope others can see this throughout my work with the vast visual mediums I enjoy partaking in.

204 N Prince St, Lancaster, PA 17603 717.396.7833

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