
Bee Knisely

Animation & Game Art, BFA

Minor in Creative Writing
Thesis Project

“Locked Out” is a hybrid 2d animation by Bee Knisely. It’s inspired by anything cozy, soft or with fantasy elements. Bee used ToonBoom Harmony to animate and edit in an array of Adobe programs. Bee loves creating things that will make others smile and to create a safe space for those who are troubled. Bee strives to make every voice, especially the smaller ones, be heard and seen.

Bee uses animation and writing to create powerful characters that explore the ideas of fantasy, identity, and to make their audience laugh. Inspired by the whimsy coziness of Animal Crossing and Moomin Valley, Bee creates a sense of soft silliness. Bee currently works as a Video and Storyboarding intern for PCAD’s partnership with Career Ready Lancaster and hopes to work for cozy games and animation in the future.

204 N Prince St, Lancaster, PA 17603 717.396.7833

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