
Gray Ford

Illustration, BFA

Minor in Creative Writing
Thesis Project

As an illustrator, I aim to communicate my feelings and tell stories through my work. Through the use of both traditional and digital techniques, my aim is to create fun and engaging stories. Part of my process is listening to music, which sets the mood for whatever I might create and allows me to focus on my own emotions and thoughts. Music is definitely my muse, no matter what I choose to create. I hope to make audiences feel like the worlds I conjure can become an interesting place to explore further, and that in doing so, our world is a little less lonely.

Hello! My name is Gray and I’m an illustrator, writer, filmmaker, video editor, and all-around creative person based in Lititz, Pennsylvania. I have a deep passion for all storytelling methods, and I am as much of a consumer as I am a producer. Where does this passion come from? At times it’s a theatrical band, or a documentary about nature, or a painting hanging on the wall, or a book. It all serves to transport me into another world, which is what I strive to do with my own work, no matter the medium. TV shows, music, and movies are absolutely my go to for stories when I can find the time. Also, my cat likes to watch TV with me, too, so that’s a plus. I hope you enjoy my work.

204 N Prince St, Lancaster, PA 17603 717.396.7833

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