
Jenna Eberly

Illustration, BFA

Minors in General Humanities and Art History & Visual Culture
Thesis Project

For my thesis, I decided to create visual development work for a hypothetical video game called “Coven Chronicles”. The story focuses on 4 young witches having to traverse through their own school during an invasion of eldritch horrors, having the choice to either leave and escape with the others or go deeper into the school to find out what’s going on and stop it. I’ve always been interested in old horror jrpgs and rpgs and wanted to incorporate it into my thesis and create something in a genre I don’t usually explore.

Jenna Eberly is an illustrator residing in Lancaster, Pennsylvania who uses both digital and traditional tools to help create a large variety of things, from visual development to stickers and other products. They are influenced by animated tv series, comics, and video games. Their goal for their thesis project is to create visual development for a hypothetical game, from characters to assets. Jenna plans on continuing to be a freelance artist alongside creating merchandise for future vending events.

204 N Prince St, Lancaster, PA 17603 717.396.7833

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