
Kayla Smith

Fine Art, BFA

Thesis Project

A versatile fine artist with a passion for pushing creative boundaries. Working within a mixed media format, my keen eye for arrangement and storytelling drives me to be devoted towards crasmanship and innovative processes. I strive to inspire and evoke thought through my work. As each piece is being made I constantly find myself asking; “Why?”. My pieces are an ongoing investigative inquiry that weaves a relationship between sculpture as a medium and its function as an illustrative narrative. Continuously I find myself in a relentless state of self reflection, attempting to transform my personal experiences into something that can be seen and understood by others. This encourages viewers to examine my pieces in search of personal interpretations, utilizing the multi-dimensionality of my work to enhance their experience. Sculpture, then, becomes a profound agent meant to transcend its perceived limitations.

Kayla is a multi-disciplinary fine artist and arts advocate with an affinity for curation and exhibition design. Her passion for art truly shines its brightest during the creative process of any project, whether, making her work or installing that of other artists. Her hands-on creative process is heavily impacted by the materials she uses. The ability to play and experiment acts as a meditative practice that allows Smith to explore her subconscious. This results in a completed artwork that expresses her emotions in that collective moment. She hopes these works evoke the viewer’s emotions similarly. Along with her work, she transforms gallery spaces into immersive experiences that are representative of the artist’s vision while captivating the audience. She hopes to use exhibitions as a platform for voices to be heard and art to be celebrated.

204 N Prince St, Lancaster, PA 17603 717.396.7833

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