
Megan Einolf

Fine Art, BFA

Thesis Project

My work explores the combination of the human figure with symbolism to create unique narratives. I use crows and other species of birds as a personal metaphor, and represent both personal stories and dark aspects of the human condition that can be understood by the viewer in their own individual way. I want to instill a feeling of uncomfortability. I use color and composition as ways to create the feeling that something is wrong in my paintings. Awkward cropping, sharp angles, dark colors, and aggressive red underpaintings create strange atmospheres and communicate that something abnormal is going on. I also incorporate found objects and photo etching printmaking into my body of work as ways to expand upon the relationship between the figure and the symbol, and to involve the viewer in a more literal sense.

Megan is a fine artist from Harford County, Maryland. Through paintings, printmaking, found objects, and a variety of other media, her work merges symbolism with the human figure to create narratives that address themes of discomfort and mystery. She uses a unique process for each piece, allowing each to let their own stories emerge that can be interpreted many ways based on the viewer. Paintings and photo etched prints tell stories, while found objects encourage interaction and a more intimate relationship with the viewer. Megan has exhibited at Harford Community College, Towson University, The Demuth Museum, and PCA&D, and has received PCA&D’s Transfer Scholarship.

204 N Prince St, Lancaster, PA 17603 717.396.7833

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