
Sherrie Snyder

Fine Art, BFA

Minor in Art History & Visual Culture
Thesis Project

Memories are reminders of the past and of experiences that have come to fade. These memories can help us better understand ourselves and serve as a tool for self-reflection. The passing of time is significant in the process of remembering. Memories begin to deteriorate and blend creating new realities. The deterioration and merging of memories has inspired me to create a body of work that explores the different metaphors and forms that memory and self-reflection can take. Mediums of use in this body of work include photo transfer, acrylic painting, sculpture, and collage. The processes explored in this work allowed me to create in a chaotic yet organized manner. The work allows for chance encounters to happen, putting experimentation and play at the forefront. Together the artist and the viewer will learn more about their own memories while also learning more about each other.

Using a variety of different mediums such as photo transfer, natural material sculpture, found object sculpture, acrylic painting, and collage, Sherrie is able to focus on the deterioration of memory. This work looks at the ways that memories blend and merge creating new realities. This body of work brings up questions regarding the truth about memory. Through the various mediums and processes used to create this thesis work, Sherrie was able to learn more about herself and more about the natural world around her.
Sherrie has a major in Fine art and a minor in Art History and received both PCAD’s Promising Artists’ Scholarship and PCAD’s Institutional Grant. Sherrie has assisted and aided in Art Healing classes and is inspired to share the healing that can happen through art making.

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