Artist Talk: Creative Director Carla Frank bringing her style and editorial sense to PCA&D
Monday, October 17th, 2022
NOTE: Creative Director Carla Frank’s Artist Talk has been postponed to February 17, 2023.
You may not recognize Carla Frank’s name, but you’d surely recognize the work of her company.
She’s a “born creative director,” her bio states, and it’s hard to argue with the resume: Launch design director of O, The Oprah Magazine. Her Carla Frank Creative + Co. has been crucial to the success of publications like Glamour Italia, Cooking Light Magazine, Tricycle: The Buddhist Review, and In Trust Magazine. Co-founder and Chief Creative Officer of Blume Honey Water (launch to Whole Foods in six months!).
It’s the mark of someone who’s always tuned in to her surroundings for inspiration, and she brings that enthusiasm, honed stylistic eye, and visionary sense of design to Pennsylvania College of Art & Design on Friday, Oct. 21. Her 11:30 am Artist Talk, in the Atrium, is open to the entire College community. The New York-based designer is the guest of PCA&D’s Graphic Design department.

Carla Frank
There are so many directions in which one can take a design-oriented mind: What prompted you to take the editorial route?
Carla Frank: In editorial, the designer/art director can really have an impact on the point of view of the publication and positioning for the audience it is trying to reach. That and witnessing loyal, engaged audiences is so rewarding.
Who or what do you turn to for inspiration?
CF: It’s all around us, all the time! Life and design work cannot be separated.
You work internationally: How do you have to tweak your vision, depending on which audience you’re serving?
CF: You become very educated about the culture’s past, present, and future. Then you have to couple that with the intention of the brand. Only then can you make a roadmap.
Your company’s client portfolio covers everything from an orchestra to high fashion to gourmet dining to major media news organizations … what design principles form a through-line throughout all of those?
CF: Ideas first!!!! Nothing else matters until that is right, then you have to deliver through imagery and type. Imagery in the editorial world is so important so I embrace that first and design around that.