Design by Maliyah Gregg, Graphic Design, chosen to brand 2024 Senior Show & Celebration
Friday, October 27th, 2023
Big congratulations to Maliyah Gregg ’24, Graphic Design, whose work was chosen this week to brand the 2024 Senior Show & Celebration! Her design offers the idea of “being the light” with a lightbulb that’s incorporated into the font of her design. She competed with six other finalists in the second round of the annual competition.
“The biggest challenge of this project was making a concept that everyone can relate to,” the senior transfer from Hussian College says. “My breakthrough was thinking about my troubles when I was trying to find a school when my previous school decided to close their doors. Over the few months I had left before school started again, I was determined to figure out what would be my next steps in life. I wanted to finish my degree and graduate from college; PCA&D was my light.”
Congratulations, too, to the six other finalists, all Graphic Design seniors, who presented their work in the competition: Amanda Choong, Cleo Kendrick, Alisdair MacKenzie, Ryan Makowski, Alex Maxwell, and Austin Taylor.
PCA&D thanks to Prof. Pam Barby, Chair of Graphic Design, who organized the competition and coached the students; and the six judges who gave of their time to assess and critique the Senior Show & Celebration competition: Kristen Berndt, Art Director for Alpha Dog; Zon Buckley, Senior Art Director for Gavin; Keisha Finnie, Lancaster-based artist and muralist; Molly Kirchoff, Program Manager, Public Art & Urban Design, Lancaster city; Brian Nguyen, Communications Manager, Community Action Partnership; and Shelby Wormley, visual storyteller and co-founder of WE & Company.
Stay tuned to see more of Gregg’s full suite of branding collateral as the May 3-5, 2024, Senior Show & Celebration draws closer.

Winning postcard concept by Maliyah Gregg ’24, Graphic Design.

Branding concept designed by Alisdair MacKenzie ’24, Graphic Design.

Branding concept by Austin Taylor ’24, Graphic Design.

Ticket branding concept by Alex Maxwell ’24, Graphic Design.

Branding concept designed by Cleo Kendrick ’24, Graphic Design.

Ticket branding concept by Amanda Choong ’24, Graphic Design.

Branding concept by Ryan Makowski ’24, Graphic Design.