Week 2 | July | Fanfiction Workshop: Grades 6-9
YS 79-02 W1 :
non-credit – in person
- Dates: July 8
- Times: 10 AM – 12:30 PM
- Meetings: 1
- Days: Tuesday
- Instructor: Raven Eckman
15 in stock
Hello and welcome to fandoms! Do you have a favorite universe or character you can’t get enough of? Have you heard of fanfiction before? Sometimes being a fan of something isn’t enough and you want to show your appreciation of that world by becoming a part of it. In this youth writing class for grades 6-9 you will learn what being a part of a fandom is and how to write yourself into that world.
This course must meet minimum enrollment by July 1st in order to run. Register today!
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Supply List
- All materials are provided for this class