Pre-College – Introduction to Observational Painting: Grades 9-12

HS 98 : 

 1 credit – in person

  • Dates: July 7 – 18
  • Times: 2 – 5 PM
  • Meetings: 10
  • Days: Monday – Friday
  • Instructor: Jason Ward


15 in stock


This course covers basic techniques to help artists in grades 9 – 12 develop a successful painting practice. We will cover surface prep, palette organization, color mixing, application, as well as basic perspective, rendering volume, and how to convincingly paint details. Students will work primarily from observation as we complete a series of exercises to improve our skills. In addition the course will cover a fair amount of art history to deepen our understanding of the in class lessons. Students who complete this course will not only have the skills needed to be better painters, they will be more prepared for an entire artistic practice.

This is a credit-bearing class and grades will be given. Please check the supply list tab for materials needed to complete this class.

This course must meet minimum enrollment by June 30 in order to run. Register today! 

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Supply List

  • Acrylic Paints: Cadmium Red, Cadmium Yellow, Ultramarine Blue, Titanium White, Burnt Umber, Burnt Sienna,
    • Windsor Newton makes good quality inexpensive acrylic paints.
  • Brushes: A variety of brush sizes and shapes for acrylic paints. 
  • Palette Knife: for mixing
  • Palette: Glass, wood, or plastic artist palettes are best, a pad of palette paper is fine.
    • Avoid watercolor palettes, paper plates, tin foil, or other non-palette surfaces
  • Canvas, Panel, or Heavy Bodied Paper surface
    • NOTE: Canvas will need several coats of gesso to give a smooth surface, Masonite, MDF, or Birchwood panel may only need one or two coats of gesso, Watercolor paper may only need one coat of gesso *Note paper may curl or wrinkle while applying gesso, if so keep your coats thin and press the paper under weight for a few hours.
  • Water/medium Jar
  • Paper Towels

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