Introduction to Patternmaking with Designer Laura Tanzer
CE 251 :
non-credit – in person
- Dates: June 4-June 25th
- Times: 6-9pm
- Meetings: 1
- Days: Wednesday
- Instructor: Laura Tanzer
11 in stock
Are you tired of clothes that do not fit properly? Would you like to be able to make your own patterns or ‘adjust’ those store-bought patterns that you own, but you don’t know how? In this four day/week workshop we will cover basic patternmaking concepts, including measurements, making a simple sloper, seam allowances, curves, and tools of the trade. Join us!
This course must meet minimum enrollment by May 28th in order to run. Register today!
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Supply List
- Clear ruler with grid, 18” long by 2” wide
- French curve
- Hip curve
- Tape measure
- Paper scissors
- Fabric scissors
- Pattern paper
- NOTE: If you do not have pattern paper, the instructor will have some on hand that you can
purchase for a small fee ($10).
- NOTE: If you do not have pattern paper, the instructor will have some on hand that you can
- Muslin or other simple cotton fabric
- Straight pins
- Pencils and pens for marking/drawing