Plein Air Watercolor Workshop

WS 149 : 

non-credit – in person

  • Dates: June 7
  • Times: 12:30 – 3:30 pm
  • Meetings: 1
  • Days: Saturday
  • Instructor: Megan Elaine Wirick


10 in stock


This workshop will expand on the traditional method of plein air (outdoor) painting using watercolors. This painting technique focuses on firsthand observation and perspective with the intent on informing your at-home studio practice. Watercolors and watercolor papers are perfect travel companions and typically environmentally friendly artist tools that adapt to adventure. Exact park location will be sent with class registration confirmation.

Note: This is an outdoor three-hour class. Please dress appropriately and for the weather. It is suggested that you bring a portable chair, stool, or blanket for sitting.

This course must meet minimum enrollment by May 30th in order to run. Register today! 

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