
Group 2 Concept Project

Design Thinking

Nate Lawrence

Nandley Noel

April Davenport

When the process began, we were thinking of all kinds of problems that plague people’s lives. We decided to go with child trafficking because it is a dire subject that deserves more attention. Interviewing professionals who work with survivors was vital to truly empathizing. Then we would be able to further define our problem, brainstorm solutions, and implement our prototypes from there.

We decided that we wanted to focus on bringing awareness through preventative measures when it comes to child trafficking in general. The prototype our group came up with was to bring preventative knowledge and education to the children directly to the classrooms. This would work in a similar fashion to drug and sex education, where when it is most optimal, children’s parents and guardians would give consent to their children learning about this heavy, but important topic. Our goal is to disrupt the cycle of child trafficking and pave the way for a safer future for children in the United States. We hope to see this project remain with people. Not to frighten, but to encourage people to want to see a safer country for the children of today, and tomorrow.

204 N Prince St, Lancaster, PA 17603 717.396.7833

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